Thursday, January 23, 2014

September 2013

Hey Y'all!
(massive amount of pictures comin' your way...beware)

It's September, the end of summer, and the start of a new school year. Ashleigh is going to Felida (my old school) and is in the 5th grade. 

Preston is staying at Pleasant Valley Primary and is going in to the 1st grade. 

This is part of his classroom....there are 50 kids in his class and 3 teachers. 

Over the summer we went to the Felida Red Barn about once a week to buy some treats and see the chickens, goats, and pigs. We kept going back to see if the mama goat had her babies yet. About a week in to school starting we decided to stop in, and saw that the baby goats had been born!! Twins. So cute. They are really friendly and their fur is so soft. 

We found this little guy in our garage.

Ashleigh made and served us dinner. Chicken Pot pie, healthful brownies with an apple sauce on top. Delish!! 

She did a great job and the dinner was delicious!! 

In the days before school started we took 2 quick trips. 
We went over to Tillamook and then drove all the way up the coast to Long Beach. We went to Marsh's museum, got Elephant Ears, drove on the beach, and swam in the ocean. Ashleigh and Nick played in the waves and seriously had so much fun!! Preston played in the sand and made a bunch of roads and mountains in the sand. He did go out in the ocean and played with Nick and Ash eventually and really had more fun than he expected. I was the keeper of the car keys so I stayed out of the water, but my heart was so full watching my loves and favorite people in the whole world play together. Nothing could be better!!! 

We also tagged along on Nick's trip to play with my cousins David and Alex in Seattle. He went off with them and I took the kids out for a day of full of activities and fun! 

Enjoy the no particular order 
(I have updated this blog twice and both times when I pressed publish, all my words disappeared, so I'm not writing anymore this time)

I ordered some Vinyl quotes and saying from Betsie and put them up around the house. I love how they all turned out!

I've always loved Calvin and Hobbs a mom, this one hit home to me. 

The kids enjoying the last bit of summer (this pool was the best idea!!)

One of our favorite places is the "little beach". Its off Marine drive about a mile away from the airport. The sand is (usually) really soft and there isn't usually a lot of people there. The kids absolutely love playing and swimming in the Columbia River and I love watching the airplanes fly over my head. Ah, heaven! :-) 

Turn your head to the right and cough. j/k, no need to cough, but ya, some of my pics are sideways...sorry!

Ash and I went to see Taylor Swift in Concert in Portland on Christian's birthday! :-) I posted a couple of pictures on the August post, but I finally uploaded the rest off my camera, so here you go.

Look! Look! There she is! :-D

She dueted with her opening act (which we conveniently missed). They were eh. ok, songs.. Nothing to brag about. haha. He sings with her on her RED cd for a couple of songs.

We snuck back in after the concert was over to get one last picture and were surprised to see how much they had already taken down!

Back to our trip to the ocean...enjoy some more pictures. :-)

The way I get my kids to actually look outside while we're driving on trips to see the sights, I give them a camera and have them take pictures. Works great...but we get a lot of repetitive pictures, and a lot of blurry pics too! But I love seeing the trip through their eyes.

First Day of School - 2013.

On our way to Seattle - more pics!

Trying to learn Morse Code...

The old jail...Pretty sure it scared any "bad" in Preston least for that day. ;-)

Preston in his 7th birthday! :-)